Cephalopod Art 10-Card Set
For the first time ever, 10 Cephalopod Artists came together to bring you this beautiful array of ceph art, in card form, to support the building of a new website called CephRef.
What is CephRef? First, let’s set the stage.
Ceph scientists and enthusiasts were starting to get distraught. Our beloved website, Tree of Life (ToL; tolweb.org), which came into this world in 1996, has become patchy and hard to maintain. This website was the place for global cephalopod diversity, identification, and biology for 30 YEARS! Many of us have come to rely on it for up-to-date information.
ToL’s issues have not been able to be resolved and the wealth of cephalopod knowledge currently stored there is at risk of being lost. So a team of scientists at the AUT Lab for Cephalopod Ecology and Systematics (ALCES) at Auckland University of Technology and several of the main ToL cephalopod contributors have come up with CephRef: A new online resource of cephalopod knowledge, including molecular information, live imagery, and links to video observations in their natural habitats.
100% of the profits for this card set will be donated to support the building of CephRef.
More information on CephRef can be found here: https://www.gofundme.com/f/support-cephrefs-final-steps
AND they even have a Demo Site: https://cephref.org/
For the first time ever, 10 Cephalopod Artists came together to bring you this beautiful array of ceph art, in card form, to support the building of a new website called CephRef.
What is CephRef? First, let’s set the stage.
Ceph scientists and enthusiasts were starting to get distraught. Our beloved website, Tree of Life (ToL; tolweb.org), which came into this world in 1996, has become patchy and hard to maintain. This website was the place for global cephalopod diversity, identification, and biology for 30 YEARS! Many of us have come to rely on it for up-to-date information.
ToL’s issues have not been able to be resolved and the wealth of cephalopod knowledge currently stored there is at risk of being lost. So a team of scientists at the AUT Lab for Cephalopod Ecology and Systematics (ALCES) at Auckland University of Technology and several of the main ToL cephalopod contributors have come up with CephRef: A new online resource of cephalopod knowledge, including molecular information, live imagery, and links to video observations in their natural habitats.
100% of the profits for this card set will be donated to support the building of CephRef.
More information on CephRef can be found here: https://www.gofundme.com/f/support-cephrefs-final-steps
AND they even have a Demo Site: https://cephref.org/
For the first time ever, 10 Cephalopod Artists came together to bring you this beautiful array of ceph art, in card form, to support the building of a new website called CephRef.
What is CephRef? First, let’s set the stage.
Ceph scientists and enthusiasts were starting to get distraught. Our beloved website, Tree of Life (ToL; tolweb.org), which came into this world in 1996, has become patchy and hard to maintain. This website was the place for global cephalopod diversity, identification, and biology for 30 YEARS! Many of us have come to rely on it for up-to-date information.
ToL’s issues have not been able to be resolved and the wealth of cephalopod knowledge currently stored there is at risk of being lost. So a team of scientists at the AUT Lab for Cephalopod Ecology and Systematics (ALCES) at Auckland University of Technology and several of the main ToL cephalopod contributors have come up with CephRef: A new online resource of cephalopod knowledge, including molecular information, live imagery, and links to video observations in their natural habitats.
100% of the profits for this card set will be donated to support the building of CephRef.
More information on CephRef can be found here: https://www.gofundme.com/f/support-cephrefs-final-steps
AND they even have a Demo Site: https://cephref.org/